Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Drew...a picture in my mind!

Enlightened Purrs...pective
Drew…a picture in my mind
Have you had or made a friend so very easily right from the very beginning of meeting them?
Did it just click? You would finish each other’s sentence and laugh at the same stupid jokes. And you’d like the same foods or feel the same emotions.
That’s a gift!
A blessing!
Someone told me that people are brought into our lives for specific reasons and at a particular time in our life and sometimes, when it deems necessary, that person may be taken away for a transfer to another location or possibly death. But their impact on our lives creates who we are today. And we have to be grateful for their coming and for their departure. No matter how hard the loss is, it’s a part of the “blue print of our lives”.
No lie…when I heard this I thought the person’s message was ludicrous, crazy, made up…whatever!
But I have become to believe this to be true.
And I must tell you…I literally despise the departure part of my blue print.
I just want that person, that friend, that certain someone to stay. Stay right there. Don’t move.
But then my world would actually be out of sync. I’d miss something somewhere somehow because I wouldn’t have my eyes open enough to meet the very next person. I’m not saying once someone is gone another person simply takes their place. It’s a matter of allowing the world around me to be open and aware of the endless possibilities. And no one could ever replace that special someone because . . .
That’s it…they’re special.
Just like Drew!
I began working out in October of 2006. My father was diagnosed with lung cancer and I needed an avenue to release negative energy and something for myself to focus on. I started working out at Curves which is an all woman fitness program. Not that I was looking for a Co-Ed facility, it’s just that I didn’t feel challenged enough so I moved on to a Health Club. This is where I met Drew. He was a personal trainer who also held classes in kick-boxing, circuit training and boot camp.
Could I possibly do these things? They looked so hard. I am not strong enough or fit enough or I’d look ridiculous with these people.
Well, according to Drew…I was wrong! There is nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. And hey…that’s what I always used to say and now say again … all the time!!!
So our friendship began.
Working out…a chore? Not with Drew! It was hard, don’t get me wrong and he pushed even when I whined. He understood my whine but plugged along right there with me sometimes even training along side of the rest of the boot camp gals. But we laughed and shared stories even secrets about liking the “Twilight” series or favorite songs heard on the radio. No matter the conversation topic, an hour long training session seemed like only 20 minutes. It didn’t feel like that the next day, but, because of the camaraderie it was simply…a blast!
Now I train one on one with Drew. I’ve left the Health Club and it’s just us! Well for at least the next 3 weeks.
January 2011, Drew is moving to Jacksonville, Florida.
My blue print is smeared with tears. The ink had not even set on the paper and he got a great job offer that he just can’t pass up. His career is off and running with me tripping behind and dropping my step, my dumbbells, weight ball and whatever other type of workout equipment we used to handle.
We wouldn’t just work out. We’d talk about my day at work, or my kids, plans for the weekend, the world around us, favorite musical artists, crazy stories about our friends, my veggie diet, his stigma with blood, Mason his nephew, our families…everything. And it was easy! After the work out, we’d hug say good-bye and say, “see ya Wednesday!”
So…Drew…See ya soon? See ya whenever?

So…my friend for life…my one particular wall of my blueprint…I love you…I can’t wait till we see each other again…good luck to you…I will miss you…but I’m grateful for you…and you’ve changed my life for the best…I am who I am because of you!

Keep climbing!

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