Enlightened Purrrs…pective by Cat
Cancer !
(This one is dedicated to Cathy Salvaggio)
Hold up! Where is she going with this one? Did I open the wrong email?
No you’re reading correctly!
Cancer what a negative word right! Would you consider this word to also be inspirational? Until last night I never thought about it that way either. But hear me out!!!
My dad died of cancer April 26, 2007. Even though it’s been a little over 2 years he is an inspiration to a friend of our family. On my Face Book page yesterday, a childhood friend whose father worked with my dad in the industry shared that my father, to this day, inspires his father to fight the battle of cancer. My dad was given a short three weeks to live, yet he wasn’t going to give in to his sentence. We were blessed to enjoy 7 additional months with him because he stayed positive, prayed and loved every minute of his remaining days and fought till his very last breath.
Last night I had dinner with a friend who was diagnosed with brain cancer 4 or 5 years ago. I don’t know exactly how long ago because it doesn’t matter to him. It’s just something he has to live with. Yes, he has chemo treatments, radiation and yes there are signs of deterioration in his walk, speech and motors skills, but you know something it doesn’t stop him from smiling, laughing and enjoying life. His son has had a beautiful baby, his youngest daughter just recently married; he has a semi-successful flooring business (Just kidding). He is living his life to the utmost. Positive inspiration he is!!!
Cancer is not just a medical disease. Cancer can creep into your attitude. And if you allow it, it can creep into your workspace or home. Negativity is a cancer.
Let’s say you’re on your way to the office or on the way home, and some knucklehead cuts you off and you have to swerve into the other lane and your hub cap flies off. Don’t, I repeat, don’t enter the front door of either your home or business. Leave it in the driveway or parking lot. Cause if you do, you’ve just brought the cancer into your environment. It can destroy the mindset of everyone around you.
Stop it!
Don’t let it destroy you.
Don’t focus on the negative. Rejoice with the positive. So what, it’s a hub cap. You’re alive, you have a job and a family and a door to open!!!
So, cancer right? Where does the inspiration come into the picture?
Have you ever looked at our Pink ribbon Welcomes mats? The word HOPE is visual on at least one of the designs. When you attend a walk for the American Society you will see the words:
I think those are pretty inspirational words don’t you?
So, the next time you hear that bad, evil word Cancer, fight the temptation of giving up, getting upset, feeling loss. Focus on the here and now and enjoy every minute you have. Cherish the present don’t focus on the what if or when.
To my inspirations- Dad I know you will always love me, Paul how do you do it? I am so proud of you and Alan you are my everyday C1 inspiration. I love you!
“Life isn’t fair but it’s still good!”
Keep climbing!
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